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IEP Goal Bank - Reading Literature

Updated: Jun 26

Reading literature is a vital skill that enhances students' understanding of different cultures, time periods, and literary forms. For students in special education, setting specific, measurable IEP goals can support their development in reading and analyzing literature. This blog outlines 24 annual goals, each with specific objectives, to help students improve their literature analysis skills.

Key Takeaways

  • Effective IEP goals for reading and analyzing literature.

  • Practical strategies for understanding different literary forms and genres.

  • Real-life case studies to illustrate the application of these goals.


Annual Goal #1: Identifying and Using Nonfiction Texts

Case Study: Max's Exploration of Nonfiction

Max, a third-grader, is learning to identify and use various nonfiction texts. His teacher incorporates books, newspapers, and magazines into the classroom activities to help Max improve his nonfiction text recognition skills.

IEP Goal: By [date], Max will increase the ability to identify and use a variety of nonfiction texts such as books, newspapers, and magazines to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Max will identify nonfiction books in 8/10 trials.

  • Max will identify nonfiction newspapers in 8/10 trials.

  • Max will identify nonfiction magazines in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #2: Making Predictions During Read-Alouds

Case Study: Emma's Prediction Skills

Emma, a first-grader, enjoys listening to stories but struggles with making predictions. Her teacher uses guided questions during read-alouds to help Emma practice making predictions before and during the stories.

IEP Goal: By [date], Emma will increase the ability to make predictions before and during read-aloud experiences to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Emma will make predictions before read-aloud experiences in 8/10 trials.

  • Emma will make predictions during read-aloud experiences in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #3: Retelling a Story Aloud

Case Study: Olivia's Narrative Retelling

Olivia, a second-grader, enjoys listening to stories but finds it challenging to retell them. Her teacher uses story maps and sequencing activities to help Olivia improve her ability to retell stories aloud.

IEP Goal: By [date], Olivia will increase the ability to retell a story aloud to include characters, setting, main idea, beginning, middle, and end of a story in sequence to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Olivia will retell a story aloud including characters in 8/10 trials.

  • Olivia will retell a story aloud including setting in 8/10 trials.

  • Olivia will retell a story aloud including main idea in 8/10 trials.

  • Olivia will retell a story aloud including beginning, middle, and end in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #4: Understanding Modes of Writing

Case Study: Ethan's Writing Exploration

Ethan, a fourth-grader, is learning about different writing modes. His teacher introduces narrative, expository, and persuasive writing examples to help Ethan identify and understand various modes of writing.

IEP Goal: By [date], Ethan will increase the ability to understand the modes of writing by an author to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Ethan will identify narrative writing modes in 8/10 trials.

  • Ethan will identify expository writing modes in 8/10 trials.

  • Ethan will identify persuasive writing modes in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #5: Participating in Dramatic Re-enactments

Case Study: Lily's Drama Participation

Lily, a first-grader, enjoys stories but needs encouragement to participate in dramatic activities. Her teacher uses puppets, plays, and readers' theater to help Lily engage in dramatic re-enactments of stories.

IEP Goal: By [date], Lily will increase participation in dramatic re-enactment of stories with puppets, plays, and readers' theater to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Lily will participate in dramatic re-enactments with puppets in 8/10 trials.

  • Lily will participate in dramatic re-enactments with plays in 8/10 trials.

  • Lily will participate in dramatic re-enactments with readers' theater in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #6: Listening to Articles Read Aloud

Case Study: Ben's Information Gathering

Ben, a second-grader, is learning to listen to articles read aloud from various sources. His teacher reads articles from books, newspapers, and magazines on the same subject to help Ben collect information.

IEP Goal: By [date], Ben will increase the ability to listen to articles read aloud from several texts about the same subject to collect information to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Ben will listen to articles read aloud from different books on the same subject in 8/10 trials.

  • Ben will listen to articles read aloud from different newspapers on the same subject in 8/10 trials.

  • Ben will listen to articles read aloud from different magazines on the same subject in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #7: Using Newspapers and Magazines for Research

Case Study: Ava's Research Skills

Ava, a fourth-grader, is learning to use newspapers and magazines as sources of information for research. Her teacher guides her through identifying research topics and using information from these sources.

IEP Goal: By [date], Ava will increase the ability to use newspapers and magazines as sources of information for research to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Ava will identify research topics from newspapers in 8/10 trials.

  • Ava will identify research topics from magazines in 8/10 trials.

  • Ava will use information from newspapers for research in 8/10 trials.

  • Ava will use information from magazines for research in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #8: Interacting with Traditional and Contemporary Literature

Case Study: Lucas's Literary Interaction

Lucas, a third-grader, enjoys reading literature but needs support in interacting with different types. His teacher introduces traditional and contemporary literature from various cultures to help Lucas engage with diverse texts.

IEP Goal: By [date], Lucas will increase the ability to read, listen to, and interact with traditional and contemporary literature from a variety of cultures and genres to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Lucas will read traditional literature from different cultures in 8/10 trials.

  • Lucas will read contemporary literature from different cultures in 8/10 trials.

  • Lucas will interact with traditional literature from different cultures in 8/10 trials.

  • Lucas will interact with contemporary literature from different cultures in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #9: Identifying Similarities and Differences Among Genres

Case Study: Zoe's Genre Analysis

Zoe, a fifth-grader, finds it challenging to identify similarities and differences among literary genres. Her teacher uses graphic organizers and discussion questions to help Zoe compare and contrast genres.

IEP Goal: By [date], Zoe will increase the ability to identify similarities and differences among various genres, e.g., mystery, fantasy, historical fiction, science fiction, etc., to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Zoe will identify similarities between mystery and fantasy genres in 8/10 trials.

  • Zoe will identify differences between mystery and fantasy genres in 8/10 trials.

  • Zoe will identify similarities between historical fiction and science fiction genres in 8/10 trials.

  • Zoe will identify differences between historical fiction and science fiction genres in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #10: Identifying Features of Different Literary Forms

Case Study: Jack's Literary Features

Jack, a sixth-grader, enjoys reading but struggles with identifying features of different literary forms. His teacher uses various examples to help Jack recognize features of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction.

IEP Goal: By [date], Jack will increase the ability to identify features of different literary forms, e.g., fiction, poetry, nonfiction, etc., to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Jack will identify features of fiction in 8/10 trials.

  • Jack will identify features of poetry in 8/10 trials.

  • Jack will identify features of nonfiction in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #11: Recognizing and Responding to Language Features

Case Study: Mia's Phonological Awareness

Mia, a third-grader, is learning to recognize and respond to the sounds and features of language. Her teacher uses poems and texts with rhyme, rhythm, pattern, and alliteration to help Mia improve her phonological awareness.

IEP Goal: By [date], Mia will increase the ability to recognize and respond to the sounds and features of language, e.g., rhyme, rhythm, pattern, alliteration, to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Mia will recognize rhyme in literature in 8/10 trials.

  • Mia will recognize rhythm in literature in 8/10 trials.

  • Mia will recognize pattern in literature in 8/10 trials.

  • Mia will recognize alliteration in literature in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #12: Responding to Literature Creatively

Case Study: Noah's Creative Responses

Noah, a fourth-grader, enjoys reading but needs guidance in responding creatively to literature. His teacher uses story mapping, story clocks, illustrations, cartooning, and changing story endings to help Noah engage with texts.

IEP Goal: By [date], Noah will increase the ability to respond to literature through story mapping, story clocks, illustrations, cartooning, changing story endings, comparing different story versions and adaptations to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Noah will respond to literature through story mapping in 8/10 trials.

  • Noah will respond to literature through story clocks in 8/10 trials.

  • Noah will respond to literature through illustrations in 8/10 trials.

  • Noah will respond to literature through cartooning in 8/10 trials.

  • Noah will respond to literature by changing story endings in 8/10 trials.

  • Noah will respond to literature by comparing different story versions in 8/10 trials.

  • Noah will respond to literature by comparing adaptations in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #13: Reading Literary Selections from Various Cultures and Time Periods

Case Study: Emma's Global Reading

Emma, a fifth-grader, is learning to appreciate literature from various geo-cultural groups and time periods. Her teacher introduces her to a diverse range of literary selections to broaden her understanding.

IEP Goal: By [date], Emma will increase the ability to read literary selections from a variety of geo-cultural groups and time periods to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Emma will read literary selections from different geo-cultural groups in 8/10 trials.

  • Emma will read literary selections from different time periods in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #14: Identifying Examples and Characteristics of Literary Forms

Case Study: Max's Literary Exploration

Max, a sixth-grader, enjoys reading but needs support in identifying examples and characteristics of literary forms from various cultures and time periods. His teacher uses diverse texts to help Max improve his skills.

IEP Goal: By [date], Max will increase the ability to identify some examples and characteristics of literary forms from a variety of geo-cultural groups and time periods to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Max will identify examples of literary forms from different geo-cultural groups in 8/10 trials.

  • Max will identify characteristics of literary forms from different geo-cultural groups in 8/10 trials.

  • Max will identify examples of literary forms from different time periods in 8/10 trials.

  • Max will identify characteristics of literary forms from different time periods in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #15: Identifying Similarities and Differences Between Two Genres

Case Study: Ava's Genre Comparison

Ava, a fifth-grader, finds it challenging to compare genres. Her teacher uses Venn diagrams and comparison charts to help Ava identify similarities and differences between two chosen genres.

IEP Goal: By [date], Ava will increase the ability to identify similarities and differences between two genres to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Ava will identify similarities between two chosen genres in 8/10 trials.

  • Ava will identify differences between two chosen genres in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #16: Comparing Literary Selections from Different Cultures

Case Study: Liam's Cultural Comparisons

Liam, a sixth-grader, is learning to compare literary selections from different cultures. His teacher uses various texts to help Liam identify similarities and differences in cultural themes and storytelling.

IEP Goal: By [date], Liam will increase the ability to compare similarities of literary selections from a variety of cultures to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Liam will compare similarities of literary selections from two different cultures in 8/10 trials.

  • Liam will compare similarities of literary selections from three different cultures in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #17: Understanding Cultural Contributions in Literature

Case Study: Zoe's Cultural Exploration

Zoe, a fourth-grader, enjoys learning about different cultures through literature. Her teacher uses classroom projects and activities to help Zoe develop an understanding of her own and others' cultural contributions.

IEP Goal: By [date], Zoe will develop, relate, and demonstrate an understanding of her own and others' cultural contributions as explored in literature, classroom projects, and activities to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Zoe will develop an understanding of her own cultural contributions in 8/10 trials.

  • Zoe will relate her cultural contributions to literature in 8/10 trials.

  • Zoe will demonstrate an understanding of others' cultural contributions in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #18: Exploring Books in Different Genres and Cultures

Case Study: Jack's Literary Adventure

Jack, a third-grader, enjoys reading books from different genres and cultures. His teacher introduces a variety of texts to help Jack explore and appreciate diverse literature.

IEP Goal: By [date], Jack will increase the ability to explore books in different genres and representing diverse cultures to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Jack will explore books in different genres in 8/10 trials.

  • Jack will explore books representing diverse cultures in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #19: Identifying Social and Historical Contexts in Literature

Case Study: Lily's Contextual Analysis

Lily, a sixth-grader, finds it challenging to identify social and historical contexts in literature. Her teacher uses historical fiction and primary source documents to help Lily understand the context and point of view in texts.

IEP Goal: By [date], Lily will increase the ability to identify the social and historical context and point of view in pieces of literature to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Lily will identify the social context in pieces of literature in 8/10 trials.

  • Lily will identify the historical context in pieces of literature in 8/10 trials.

  • Lily will identify the point of view in pieces of literature in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #20: Reading and Identifying Literary Forms from Various Cultures

Case Study: Ben's Genre Exploration

Ben, a fifth-grader, enjoys reading but needs support in identifying different literary forms from various cultures and time periods. His teacher uses novels, short stories, poetry, plays, and nonfiction to help Ben improve his skills.

IEP Goal: By [date], Ben will increase the ability to read and identify literary forms including novels, short stories, poetry, plays, and nonfiction from a variety of geo-cultural groups and time periods to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Ben will read and identify novels from different geo-cultural groups in 8/10 trials.

  • Ben will read and identify short stories from different geo-cultural groups in 8/10 trials.

  • Ben will read and identify poetry from different geo-cultural groups in 8/10 trials.

  • Ben will read and identify plays from different geo-cultural groups in 8/10 trials.

  • Ben will read and identify nonfiction from different geo-cultural groups in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #21: Explaining Similarities and Differences Between More Than Two Genres

Case Study: Emma's Genre Analysis

Emma, a sixth-grader, finds it challenging to compare and contrast more than two genres. Her teacher uses various texts to help Emma explain similarities and differences between three chosen genres.

IEP Goal: By [date], Emma will increase the ability to explain similarities and differences between more than two genres to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Emma will explain similarities between three chosen genres in 8/10 trials.

  • Emma will explain differences between three chosen genres in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #22: Comparing and Contrasting Literary Selections

Case Study: Max's Comparative Reading

Max, a fifth-grader, enjoys reading but needs support in comparing and contrasting literary selections from different cultures and time periods. His teacher uses diverse texts to help Max improve his comparative analysis skills.

IEP Goal: By [date], Max will increase the ability to compare and contrast literary selections from a variety of cultures and time periods to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Max will compare literary selections from different cultures in 8/10 trials.

  • Max will contrast literary selections from different cultures in 8/10 trials.

  • Max will compare literary selections from different time periods in 8/10 trials.

  • Max will contrast literary selections from different time periods in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #23: Identifying Distinguishing Characteristics of Literary Forms

Case Study: Ava's Literary Analysis

Ava, a fourth-grader, finds it challenging to identify distinguishing characteristics of various literary forms. Her teacher uses novels, short stories, poetry, plays, and nonfiction to help Ava recognize these characteristics.

IEP Goal: By [date], Ava will increase the ability to read and identify distinguishing characteristics of a variety of literary forms, including novels, short stories, poetry, plays, and nonfiction from a variety of geo-cultural groups and time periods to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Ava will read and identify distinguishing characteristics of novels in 8/10 trials.

  • Ava will read and identify distinguishing characteristics of short stories in 8/10 trials.

  • Ava will read and identify distinguishing characteristics of poetry in 8/10 trials.

  • Ava will read and identify distinguishing characteristics of plays in 8/10 trials.

  • Ava will read and identify distinguishing characteristics of nonfiction in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #24: Analyzing Characteristics of Various Genres

Case Study: Zoe's Genre Analysis

Zoe, a fifth-grader, enjoys reading different genres but needs support in analyzing their characteristics. Her teacher uses graphic organizers and comparison charts to help Zoe analyze mystery, fantasy, historical fiction, and science fiction genres.

IEP Goal: By [date], Zoe will increase the ability to analyze the characteristics of various genres from geo-cultural groups and time periods to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  • Zoe will analyze the characteristics of the mystery genre from geo-cultural groups in 8/10 trials.

  • Zoe will analyze the characteristics of the fantasy genre from geo-cultural groups in 8/10 trials.

  • Zoe will analyze the characteristics of the historical fiction genre from geo-cultural groups in 8/10 trials.

  • Zoe will analyze the characteristics of the science fiction genre from geo-cultural groups in 8/10 trials.

Setting specific, measurable IEP goals for reading literature can help special education students make significant progress. By focusing on these targeted objectives, teachers can support their students' growth in literature analysis, leading to greater academic success and cultural understanding.

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