Annual Goal #1
By (date), [student's name] will hear (count) syllables in words, improving phonemic awareness from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method, e.g., running records, probes, anecdotal records, work samples, etc.].
[Student's name] will count syllables in words in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will identify the number of syllables in given words in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will clap out the syllables in words in 8/10 trials.
Annual Goal #2
By (date), [student's name] will match like sounds in words at the beginning and end of words, improving phonemic awareness from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method, e.g., running records, probes, anecdotal records, work samples, etc.].
[Student's name] will match initial sounds in words in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will match ending sounds in words in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will identify words with the same initial and ending sounds in 8/10 trials.
Annual Goal #3
By (date), [student's name] will identify and generate rhyming words, improving phonemic awareness from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method, e.g., running records, probes, anecdotal records, work samples, etc.].
[Student's name] will identify rhyming words in a set of words in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will generate a rhyming word when given a word in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will complete rhyming pairs in 8/10 trials.
Annual Goal #4
By (date), [student's name] will blend phonemes orally, improving phonemic awareness from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method, e.g., running records, probes, anecdotal records, work samples, etc.].
[Student's name] will blend given phonemes to form words in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will orally blend phonemes in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will identify words formed by blended phonemes in 8/10 trials.
Annual Goal #5
By (date), [student's name] will hear and segment initial, medial, and final phonemes, improving phonemic awareness from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method, e.g., running records, probes, anecdotal records, work samples, etc.].
[Student's name] will segment initial phonemes in words in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will segment medial phonemes in words in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will segment final phonemes in words in 8/10 trials.
Annual Goal #6
By (date), [student's name] will identify sounds heard within the environment, improving auditory discrimination from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method, e.g., anecdotal records, work samples, etc.].
[Student's name] will identify common environmental sounds in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will distinguish between different environmental sounds in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will match sounds to their sources in 8/10 trials.
Annual Goal #7
By (date), [student's name] will hear and identify sounds in words including rhyming words, simple syllable segmentation, and beginning sounds, improving phonemic awareness from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method, e.g., running records, probes, anecdotal records, work samples, etc.].
[Student's name] will identify rhyming words in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will segment words into syllables in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will identify the beginning sounds in words in 8/10 trials.
Annual Goal #8
By (date), [student's name] will identify/utilize rhyming words in a variety of literature (e.g., poems, verses, pattern stories, personal creative composition), improving phonemic awareness from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method, e.g., running records, probes, anecdotal records, work samples, etc.].
[Student's name] will identify rhyming words in poems in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will generate rhyming words in pattern stories in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will use rhyming words in personal creative compositions in 8/10 trials.
Annual Goal #9
By (date), [student's name] will hear and manipulate the separate sounds in spoken words, improving phonemic awareness from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method, e.g., running records, probes, anecdotal records, work samples, etc.].
[Student's name] will identify separate sounds in spoken words in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will manipulate sounds to form new words in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will segment sounds in spoken words in 8/10 trials.
Annual Goal #10
By (date), [student's name] will identify syllables in words using rhythm patterns/clapping to count the number of syllables, improving phonemic awareness from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method, e.g., running records, probes, anecdotal records, work samples, etc.].
[Student's name] will clap out syllables in given words in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will identify the number of syllables in words in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will use rhythm patterns to segment words into syllables in 8/10 trials.
Annual Goal #11
By (date), [student's name] will identify the initial/ending sound in a word, improving phonemic awareness from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method, e.g., running records, probes, anecdotal records, work samples, etc.].
[Student's name] will identify initial sounds in words in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will identify ending sounds in words in 8/10 trials.
[Student's name] will distinguish between initial and ending sounds in words in 8/10 trials.