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Bran Hicks M.Ed.

5 Tips for Teaching Converting Digits to Words: Techniques, Strategies, and Lessons.

Converting digits into words is an important skill for first grade students. Here are five teaching tools that can help your students master this skill. With these tools, your students can convert digits to words quickly and easily.

Use a number line to help students visualize their actions when converting digits to words.

Students counting and converting digits to words can benefit from using a number line. Students can verbally and visually understand the progression from one number to the next by tracing their fingers along the line as they count aloud. This gives them an extra layer of clarity when visualizing the process and heightens their reading comprehension skills by providing an orienting context for counting each digit. A number line allows the student to comprehend better the relationship between digitized numbers and their written representations.

Have students use their fingers to trace out the numbers as they say them aloud.

Incorporating counting into hands-on learning can be beneficial for young students. Tracing out the numbers with their fingers while counting out loud is a sensory activity that helps them to internalize counting while reinforcing their knowledge of numbers. This method allows students to establish their counting skills with tactile feedback leading to stronger foundational math abilities in the future. Beyond counting, it can be a launching point for activities such as comparing number sizes and playing simple addition and subtraction games. Utilizing this technique can make counting a more enjoyable experience for students and result in improved comprehension of basic math concepts.

Use a whiteboard or chalkboard to write out the numbers and have students convert them orally.

Using peer support and small groups in the classroom can be a great way to get students more engaged with lesson material. A whiteboard or chalkboard can be utilized to write out the numbers and have students convert them orally. This provides a fun learning environment for the students and allows for differentiated scoring options. It’s an interactive and collaborative way to learn that helps build new skills, knowledge, and insights among the peer groups. In addition, peer support creates a space for collaboration, further enhancing learning aptitude.

Give each student a small whiteboard or piece of paper and have them convert the numbers on their own

During math time, why not consider utilizing some math centers? Centers like this one are great for getting students up and active while learning math concepts. By giving each student a small whiteboard or piece of paper, they can work on converting numbers on their terms. As students practice working with the given math challenge, they can collaborate and share ideas to further their learning. Math centers offer a great opportunity for students to work independently and as a team to learn math enjoyably.

Quiz students on random numbers from 1-100 and see how many they can convert in one minute.

Motivating students to learn different mathematics or arithmetic skills is a challenge that many teachers face. Consider initiating a quiz challenge in your class to introduce fun into the equation. Quizzing students on random numbers between 1 and 100 and seeing how many they can convert in one minute creates an exciting learning environment while allowing them to test the limits of their knowledge. Not only does this exercise help engage students with the lesson at hand, but encourages problem-solving skills that will come in handy throughout their academic journey.

By offering several strategies for visualizing numbers, students can master converting digits to words in no time. Using a number line and using their fingers, speaking aloud, and writing out the numbers on a whiteboard or paper all provide great ways to help break the process down into digestible chunks. Quizzing students can also keep them engaged in learning, as well as give you an indication of how well they’re understanding the material. Overall, this effectively engages students in multi-sensory math activities to improve their proficiency in converting digits to words.

If you're looking for an easy and fun way to help your students develop this skill, check out our lesson plan and teaching resources for further support!

To help your students really jump into learning numbers, why not explore our converting words to digits lesson plan and resources? They'll make it a breeze for you when planning in the classroom.



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