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Lesson Plan Template

  • Grade

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  • Competency

Counting to 120 (1)

  • Aligned Standards

Number and Operations in Base Ten

  • Strand


  • Vocabulary

Number Line: A line with numbers placed in their correct order.

Count On: Moving to the next number in sequence.

Sequence: An ordered set of numbers.

Use Number Lines (up to 120)

Prerequisite Skill

Materials and Preparation

  • TeachTastic Worksheet Pack for Counting on Number Lines
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Number lines printed on paper
  • Student notebooks and pencils

Learning Objectives

  • Students will identify numbers on a number line up to 120.
  • Students will count forward and backward on a number line.
  • Students will solve problems involving finding numbers before and after a given number.


Begin by explaining the concept of a number line. Draw a number line on the whiteboard from 0 to 10 and point out how each number is placed in order. Present the example problem: "Which number comes just before 7?" Show the number line 0 to 10, and identify the position of 7, demonstrating how to find the number just before it (6).

Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling

Expand the number line up to 20 on the whiteboard. Show students how to count forward and backward. Emphasize finding specific numbers and identifying their neighbors. For example, if you are at 15, the number just before is 14, and the number just after is 16. Use the TeachTastic Worksheet Pack for Counting on Number Lines to provide further examples and guided practice.

Guided Practice

Distribute the first worksheet from the TeachTastic Worksheet Pack for Counting on Number Lines. Work through the first few problems as a class. For instance, find the number that comes just before 21 and after 21 on a number line. Encourage students to follow along and use their printed number lines.

Independent Practice

Students will complete additional problems from the TeachTastic Worksheet Pack independently. Tasks will include identifying numbers before and after given numbers, counting sequences, and filling in missing numbers on number lines up to 120.



  • Incorporate Movement: Use floor number lines where students can physically step to the correct number. This kinesthetic activity helps reinforce number sense and makes learning more interactive.
  • Use Manipulatives: Provide students with physical number lines and counters to manipulate and visualize counting steps. Items like beads on a string or numbered blocks can help students understand sequences and positioning.


  • Number Puzzles: Provide challenging number line puzzles where students fill in missing numbers in a sequence.
  • Real-Life Application: Ask students to use a number line to solve real-world problems, such as measuring lengths or tracking days on a calendar.


Evaluate students' understanding through the exit ticket and the completed independent practice worksheets. Check for accuracy in identifying numbers before and after given numbers and their ability to count sequences correctly.

Review and closing

Summarize the key points of the lesson, including how to use a number line and count forward and backward. Address common misconceptions, such as confusing numbers before and after. Allow students to ask questions and share their observations about using number lines.


  1. Numbers before and after are the same: Clarify that numbers before are smaller and numbers after are larger.
  2. Counting skips numbers: Reinforce the importance of sequential counting without skipping numbers.
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