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Lesson Plan Template

  • Grade

  • Subject

  • Section



  • Competency

Numbers to 20

  • Aligned Standards

Counting and Cardinality

  • Strand


  • Vocabulary

  • digit
  • number words

Recognize Numbers (up to 20)

Prerequisite Skill

Materials and Preparation

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Flashcards with number words (1 to 20)
  • TeachTastic Worksheet Pack for identifying and writing numbers from 1 to 20
  • Number chart (1 to 20)
  • Pencils and erasers

Learning Objectives

  • Students will be able to identify the numbers 1 to 20 when presented in word form.
  • Students will be able to write the numbers 1 to 20 in digit form.
  • Students will understand the sequence of numbers from 1 to 20.


Start the lesson by showing students a number chart from 1 to 20. Ask them to count aloud from 1 to 20. Show flashcards with the number words for 1 to 20 and ask students to read them aloud. Explain that today they will learn how to write these numbers in digit form.

Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling

Write the number word "one" on the whiteboard and ask students what number it represents. Show them how to write the number 1. Repeat this process for the numbers 2 to 20. Emphasize the correct formation of each digit and the importance of writing them neatly.

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Guided Practice

Hand out the TeachTastic Worksheet Pack for identifying and writing numbers from 1 to 20. Work through the first few problems as a class, asking students to say the number word and then write the corresponding digits. Provide support and correct any mistakes as needed.

Independent Practice

Have students complete the rest of the worksheet independently. Circulate around the room to provide assistance and ensure students are correctly identifying and writing the numbers.



  • Provide number charts and flashcards for students who need additional help.
  • Offer one-on-one support to students struggling with number identification and writing.
  • Use tactile activities like tracing numbers in sand or using playdough to form numbers.


  • Have students practice writing numbers beyond 20.
  • Encourage students to write number sentences using the numbers 1 to 20 (e.g., 10 + 5 = 15).
  • Provide puzzles and games that involve number matching and sequencing for numbers 1 to 20.


Evaluate students' worksheets and exit tickets to assess their understanding of identifying and writing numbers from 1 to 20. Use the TeachTastic Worksheet Pack to provide additional practice if needed.

Review and closing

Summarize the lesson by reviewing the numbers 1 to 20. Address any common misconceptions and ensure students feel confident in their ability to write these numbers. Allow time for questions and provide positive reinforcement for their efforts.


  • Confusing the order of digits (e.g., writing 12 instead of 21).
  • Difficulty distinguishing between similar-sounding numbers (e.g., fourteen and forty).
  • Incorrectly forming the digits.
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