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IEP Goal Bank - Reading Comprehension

Updated: Jun 7

Annual Goal #1

By (date), [student's name] will locate information and clarify meaning by skimming, scanning, reading carefully, and using other reading strategies, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method, e.g., running records, probes, anecdotal records, work samples, etc.].


  1. [Student's name] will skim text to locate specific information in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will scan text to clarify meaning in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will read carefully to understand details in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #2

By (date), [student's name] will clarify meaning by skimming, scanning, and reading carefully, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will clarify meaning of text by skimming in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will clarify meaning of text by scanning in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will read carefully to clarify meaning in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #3

By (date), [student's name] will review text to locate information and clarify meaning by skimming, scanning, reading carefully, and using other reading strategies, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will review text to locate specific information by skimming in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will review text to locate specific information by scanning in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will read carefully to clarify meaning of reviewed text in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #4

By (date), [student's name] will apply various prereading strategies (e.g., preview, skimming), improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will preview text to anticipate content in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will skim text for main ideas before reading in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will predict content based on prereading strategies in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #5

By (date), [student's name] will apply reading strategies (e.g., slowing down, saying "blank", reading on, consulting a reference, or asking for help), improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will slow down reading pace to improve understanding in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will use the strategy of saying "blank" and reading on to maintain comprehension in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will consult a reference or ask for help when encountering difficult text in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #6

By (date), [student's name] will use word attack strategies to locate specific words, phrases, word patterns and recognize sight words when returning to familiar text, improving decoding skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will locate specific words in familiar text using word attack strategies in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will identify phrases and word patterns in familiar text in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will recognize sight words in familiar text in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #7

By (date), [student's name] will recognize and adjust reading strategies to accommodate the difficulty, purpose, and interest of different texts, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will adjust reading strategies based on text difficulty in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will adjust reading strategies based on the purpose of reading in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will adjust reading strategies based on interest level in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #8

By (date), [student's name] will return to text to locate information, support conclusions, and answer questions, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will locate information in text to support answers in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will return to text to find evidence for conclusions in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will answer questions using information located in the text in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #9

By (date), [student's name] will develop strategies for locating words and their definitions in the dictionary and locating information in reference materials, improving research skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will use the dictionary to find word definitions in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will locate information in reference materials in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will apply research strategies to gather information in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #10

By (date), [student's name] will use information from illustrations, tables of contents, glossaries, indexes, headings, graphs, charts, diagrams, and/or tables to assist in comprehension of text, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will use illustrations to aid in understanding text in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will use tables of contents and indexes to locate information in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will interpret graphs, charts, and diagrams to enhance comprehension in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #11

By (date), [student's name] will develop an understanding of text organization and structure to assist in comprehension (e.g., cause-effect, time order, order of importance), improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will identify cause-effect relationships in text in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will recognize time order in text organization in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will determine the order of importance in text structures in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #12

By (date), [student's name] will use visual information in texts to locate answers and/or assist in understanding, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will use visual information to locate answers in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will interpret visual information to aid in understanding text in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will correlate visual information with textual information in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #13

By (date), [student's name] will identify and address text-based sources of reading difficulty (e.g., unfamiliar organization, difficult vocabulary, too much information) when doing coursework, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will identify unfamiliar text organization in coursework in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will address difficult vocabulary in coursework in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will manage large amounts of information in text during coursework in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #14

By (date), [student's name] will adjust their reading and monitor comprehension strategies to accommodate the content, form, purpose, and difficulty of the material, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will adjust reading strategies based on the content of the material in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will monitor comprehension strategies to match the form and purpose of the text in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will adjust strategies to manage the difficulty level of the text in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #15

By (date), [student's name] will use a variety of strategies: rereading, reading on, monitoring, cross-checking, predicting, confirming, searching, and self-correcting, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will use rereading as a strategy to improve comprehension in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will use cross-checking and predicting to understand text in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will self-correct to maintain understanding of text in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #16

By (date), [student's name] will identify the beginning, middle, and end of a story, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will identify the beginning of a story in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will identify the middle of a story in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will identify the end of a story in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #17

By (date), [student's name] will identify the sequence of events in a reading selection, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will list the sequence of events in a reading selection in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will arrange events in correct order in a reading selection in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will retell the sequence of events accurately in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #18

By (date), [student's name] will retell story events, repeated patterns, or information from a reading, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will retell story events in their own words in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will identify repeated patterns in stories in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will retell key information from a reading selection in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #19

By (date), [student's name] will recall main ideas and supporting details in a reading selection, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will identify main ideas in a reading selection in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will recall supporting details in a reading selection in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will summarize main ideas and details in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #20

By (date), [student's name] will identify sequence of events, main ideas, and details or facts in literary and informational text, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will identify the sequence of events in literary text in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will identify main ideas in informational text in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will recall details or facts in informational text in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #21

By (date), [student's name] will identify story elements such as character, setting, plot, main idea, and mood in stories read, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will identify characters in stories read in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will identify the setting in stories read in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will identify the plot and main idea in stories read in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #22

By (date), [student's name] will ask questions, make observations, and draw conclusions from a story, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will ask relevant questions about a story in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will make observations about key elements of a story in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will draw logical conclusions from a story in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #23

By (date), [student's name] will retell, summarize, and paraphrase when reading or listening to others, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will retell information accurately in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will summarize key points in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will paraphrase content accurately in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #24

By (date), [student's name] will return to text and illustrations to locate information, support conclusions, and answer questions, improving comprehension skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will return to text to find specific information in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will use illustrations to support answers in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will locate text-based evidence to support conclusions in 8/10 trials.

Annual Goal #25

By (date), [student's name] will respond to readings in many ways (e.g., learning logs, topic webbings, etc.), improving comprehension and reflection skills from [current level] to [target level] as measured by [assessment method].


  1. [Student's name] will use learning logs to reflect on readings in 8/10 trials.

  2. [Student's name] will create topic webbing to organize thoughts on readings in 8/10 trials.

  3. [Student's name] will use various methods to respond to readings in 8/10 trials.



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